The Lincoln Lawyer showrunner teases high stakes and a bigger role for Neve Campbell’s Margaret “Maggie” McPherson in...
Netflix premiered the third season of The Lincoln Lawyer on October 17 and the series brought LA’s hottest...
I think we can all agree that the end of The Lincoln Lawyer’s third season was jaw-dropping....
Lady Gaga has joined the cast. Warning: Wednesday spoilers ahead! Wednesday was the breakout show of 2022....
Netflix’s Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story has not only delivered gripping historical drama and royal intrigue but...
Viewers say the same about the Bridgerton star’s dark drama on Netflix Netflix viewers have been...
Bridgerton Season 4 Can Finally Do One Story I’ve Long Been Waiting For Thanks to Colin...
EXCLUSIVE: Rachelle Goulding (Firefly Lane) and Azita Ghanizada (United States of Al) have been cast in...