Nicola Coughlan, beloved for her roles in Derry Girls and Bridgerton, recently shared her journey of transforming into Penelope Featherington, the bright yet complex character who also carries the secret identity of Lady Whistledown. From her initial audition to the rigorous filming schedules, Nicola opened up about her experience bringing Penelope to life across the series’ seasons.
The Audition
Nicola’s Bridgerton journey began right after wrapping season two of Derry Girls. “I auditioned for Penelope without realizing she was Lady Whistledown. Spoiler alert for anyone who hasn’t caught up,” she quipped. With only two days to prepare, Nicola impressed the casting team with a single audition—so much so that Shonda Rhimes herself offered her the role without a chemistry test. Nicola credits Shonda’s instinctive casting process for bringing together the perfect ensemble.
Preparing for Penelope
Mental Preparation
To understand Penelope, Nicola delved into Julia Quinn’s Bridgerton novels, especially the fourth book that focuses on Penelope and Colin’s relationship. “In the books, she’s older, so I had to adapt anecdotes about her younger self,” Nicola explained. She approached Penelope as a fully realized person, balancing innocence with intelligence.
Physical Preparation
Nicola studied the Regency-era world with historical advisor Hannah Grieg, who showed the cast imagery of the time. One photograph of women lounging casually resonated with Nicola. “It reminded me that even in gilded settings, people were still just people. They relaxed, they slouched—they weren’t statues,” she reflected.
For Penelope, Nicola envisioned a yo-yo-like energy in season one—tentatively stepping forward only to pull herself back. By season three, Nicola wanted Penelope to feel grounded and self-assured, embodying a young woman coming into her own.
Filming Life
A Day on Set
Filming Bridgerton is a demanding process. Nicola’s day starts as early as 4 a.m. with a two-hour hair and makeup session, including intricate wigs and face masks. On set, scenes are carefully rehearsed and filmed, often spanning just two scenes a day. After long hours, Nicola wraps up, preps for the next day, and battles London traffic to reach home, repeating the routine for months.
Stunt Scenes and Humor
The hot air balloon scene from season three required Nicola to attend stunt rehearsals. “Tom Philips had to rugby tackle me so hard that his coat stuck to my wig,” she laughed. Luke Newton, who plays Colin Bridgerton, embraced his role as the “hunk with the rope.”
Penelope’s Evolution
Nicola cherished Penelope’s evolution across the series. In season one, Penelope is shy and observant, contrasted with her role as London’s secret gossip queen. Season two sees her grappling with newfound arrogance, while season three brings a transformation—both mentally and physically. “She starts to value herself as a woman and stands on her own two feet,” Nicola said, highlighting Penelope’s journey toward self-love.
Wardrobe as Transformation
Penelope’s vibrant wardrobe is central to her identity. Initially clad in garish yellows, season three introduces a softer palette of emeralds and blues to reflect her personal growth. “The costumes mirrored her transformation, blending her physical and mental journey,” Nicola noted.
Intimacy and Connection
Nicola emphasized the importance of intimacy in Bridgerton, particularly its focus on female pleasure and emotional connection. She shared her experience filming a pivotal carriage scene with Luke Newton. “Having an incredible intimacy coordinator made all the difference. Luke and I also had years of trust to lean on,” she said.
Takeaways from Bridgerton
Portraying Penelope has taught Nicola life lessons. “The process of loving yourself is ongoing,” she mused. From unrequited teenage crushes to navigating fame, Nicola found parallels between her life and Penelope’s. “Nothing makes sense until you value yourself,” she concluded.
Nicola’s portrayal of Penelope Featherington has captured hearts worldwide, showcasing her ability to blend vulnerability, humor, and strength in one unforgettable character. With Penelope stepping into her own in season three, fans can look forward to an even richer chapter in her story.
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